Final Project

This semester I learned a lot. I was able to learn about aspects of the New Deal that I hadn’t covered in my own studies. I was a bit on the fence about the integration of certain aspects of information technology and historical study, (specifically when we learned about glitching1) but I’m glad to say that I understand the possible functions of all the skills we learned. I became very interested in what I feel is an underrepresented group in discussions about the Great Depression, and decided that I would do my final project on women and how their positions within society changed. 

Something that I hadn’t heard before were statistics for female employment during the Depression, and how they changed. 10.5million women were in the workforce in 1930, and that number rose 24% to 13million by the time World War II began. 15% of married women were employed, and 50% of single women were working. In order to show all of these wonderful accomplishments (and a few disappointments), I chose to use image annotation, image glitching, and timeline creation for my project. I used image annotation because I’m a visual learner, and I find that it’s often easier for me to learn and focus when there are images present. It also gives you a sort of ‘hands-on’ way to view information attached to photos2

I chose image glitching because it was the skill I struggled with the most. I honestly didn’t see how it could be useful when we first discussed it in class. However, I’m glad to say that I do understand the purpose now. It literally forces you to look at images from a different perspective, and introduces new ideas in your mind. Glitching is also completely random, so you can’t manipulate it to prove your point. I found it to be an interesting way to look at images of working women. 

Finally, I chose to create a timeline because it was the best way to show the changes within the government and within society in a linear way. I think over the course of the semester, the timeline tools were my favorite. Using the timelines to study the ex-slave narratives was extremely helpful, and it was extremely raw at the same time3. Listening to casual conversation about a period of time that is still so painful, but they’re almost relaxed about, and reducing it to a timeline is incredibly intense. 

I found myself confronting the way that I consumed information on the internet as well. The presentation in class about fact-checking resources was extremely interesting. I’ve always been very careful about the sources I use, but after I learned about Professor Kelly4 and his class that centered around building a fake Wikipedia page, and story to go along with it, I’ve been nervous. I’ve not cited Wikipedia in academic papers for a long time, (probably since elementary school) but I have used it as a resource in casual research before. I’ll definitely double check everything I read on there from now on!

Overall, I learned a lot in this class. I’m a history major, and the 1930’s was my main interest for a long time. I was mostly focused on the Dust Bowl, so learning about other aspects of it was incredibly interesting. I learned a lot of digital skills that I hope to use in my studies in the future, and I had a really wonderful experience learning about the different cultural projects introduced in the New Deal. 

Here is the link to my final project:

  1. Kramer and Michael J., “Glitching History: Using Image Deformance to Rethink Agency and Authenticity in the 1960s American Folk Music Revival,” Current Research in Digital History, January 1, 1970,
  2. “Exhibit Image Annotation,” Exhibit Image Annotation – Omeka Classic User Manual, accessed December 13, 2019,
  3. “An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives  :  Articles and Essays  :  Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers’ Project, 1936-1938  :  Digital Collections  :  Library of Congress,” The Library of Congress, accessed December 13, 2019,
  4. Yoni Appelbaum, “How the Professor Who Fooled Wikipedia Got Caught by Reddit,” The Atlantic (Atlantic Media Company, May 15, 2012),

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