
Algorithmic criticism is a daily function that everyone uses which involves human criticism with computers. As a result of algorithmic criticism, many of the ways we do research and organize our thoughts and put them into action happen. This also involves injecting ethics and ideals into algorithms to make them more understandable and fitting to the approach of the viewer. Also, the viewer must stop blindly following algorithms, but actually look into their meaning and the information gained. 1 In order to become better participants/consumers in the digital media we must find the deeper meaning within algorithms and question the outputs and answers given to us, the viewer. 

While women were still considered to be stay at home workers and mothers, there were some that fought to change the view of women. Feminists fought for their roles as workers in factories and technology, even though during this time period men kept most of the jobs. 2 A new phase of powerful women was being born within the film industry. Some women were even making more money than men. Even with this though, women were still portrayed as homeworkers and not the breadwinner for the family. These women however set a legacy that is still present today. Women can work just as much as men and have just as equal rights. These powerful women in the 1930’s set a precedent that is still alive today in the sense that every woman should have the same rights and privileges as men. 

There are some connections that can be made between WPA-era activists and contemporary digital activists. The main connection is the need for these two parties to be a key platform for mass production of a cause. For example, the WPA activists were a platform for employments and jobs through many different arts projects, while the contemporary digital activists are fighting for a cause through the use of the internet and mass media. The WPA used funds and workers to complete public works projects, while the digital activists use technologies to share effective communication for a public effort. If the WPA was necessary today, digital activists would connect easily to promote employment and jobs all over the world.

  1. O’Neil, Cathy. “The Truth about Algorithms.” Vimeo, October 14, 2019.
  2. “XII. Equal Rights and the New Deal.” THE AMERICAN YAWP, June 7, 2013.

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