
An Algorithm as described by Cathy O’neil is an opinion embedded in math. 1 The purpose for an algorithm is to determine success through historical data to give the best accurate outcome. Algorithmic criticism is seen through web searches and different lengths of advertising, as well as racism. To some degree, most algorithms are racist because of the data and stereotypes embedded into these equations. While reading Safiya Nobel’s Algorithms of Oppression, simple acts such as researching women becomes a an event of discrimination and judgement. 2 Search engines, such as google have created stereotypes for white and black women. Black women are loud, ghetto or angry. While white woman are portrayed as beautiful, perfect or skinny. People of color have endured a difficult and lengthy path to advocate for civil rights.

In the New Deal Era, people of color were excluded from social security and welfare. Black people struggled to be recognized and obtain rights that were given to all white Americans. Despite the fact that Black Americans are now granted the basic rights of freedom, algorithms are a subtle reminder of how racism is still alive and thriving. Using historical data set to prevent loans or credit cards based off of technological systems can be dangerous. AI software used by Google is very powerful within itself, and although the system is programed to make good assumptions based on patters, it fails to recognize the ethics that comes with it.

In order to become better consumers of digital media we must hold companies responsible and enforce action towards understanding minorities. We must ask questions and question their overall definition of success by their motives. As O’neil stated, we must hire data analyst to look over patterns and trends to ensure these softwares are meeting basic measure of success, while granting reasonable explanations that refrain from being discriminatory, racist or biased.

  1. “The Truth About Algorithms | Cathy O’Neil.” YouTube. Last modified October 17, 2018.
  2. Noble, Safiya U. Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York: NYU Press, 2018.

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