Blog Post #4

Algorithmic Criticism is “human-based criticism with computers”. It is how we research, often organize our thoughts, and how we put them into words through search engines 1. According to O’Neill’s video, algorithms are an “opinion bedded in-math that can be sexist, racist, and even perpetrate structural inequality.”2. Though scholars and activists suggest that ethics be built into algorithms so that they are fair, transparent, and kept accountable.

In Noble’s excerpt, the same ideals of algorithmic criticism are looked at. She discusses the prejudice against black women and how they are sexualized and even degraded through these various searches. Noble includes that “Internet users have no idea how these ideas come to dominate search results…”. However, this is due to how the algorithms have been created. Rather than they be built to provide recourse, which is the ability for people to modify the outcome, they are based on mere human judgement and there is no way around it.

During the 1930’s, movements such as the Long Civil Rights Movement, Feminism, and the Popular Front impacted the era as it had much to do with politics, race, gender, and social class. The Long Civil Rights Movement placed emphasis on the fact that the Civil Rights movement started well before the 1960’s. The movement not only aimed to create equal rights for African Americans but, in turn served a purpose in the Feminist movement. Women of all backgrounds sought for equal rights; which included being able to enter the workforce and exercise their right to vote.
As a result, these movements paved the way for many of us today, especially women and people of color. More women have entered the workforce and both men and women can freely exercise their right to vote. The LCRM granted African Americans equal rights that only their white counterparts could exercise.

The WPA- era was known to be one of the motivating factors in reinvigorating the economy. Today, digital activism has used technology as a platform for mass mobilization and political action. It has allowed for significant changes into this new age of technology. Calling out the wrongdoings of this country and doing more to promote and bring awareness to ethics and social justice. Like the WPA- era activists, who worked to employ job- seeking individuals to perform public work projects, digital activists use internet platforms like social media to create movements that have proven to be a tool to spread an agenda or political message. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter and Arab Spring Uprising are just a few examples.


Cpotter. (2016, October 24). Toward Algorithmic Criticism. Retrieved from

O’ Neil, Cathy. (2019, October 9). The Truth about Algorithms. Video retrieved from

Noble. (n.d.). Algorithms of Oppression Excerpt. Retrieved from

  1. “Toward Algorithmic Criticism,” The New School,
  2. Cathy O’ Neil, “The Truth About Algorithms,”

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