Perspectives of women in the 1930s

My exhibit is exploring the roles of women and how the perspectives of women changed in the 1930s. During WW1 many women had to step up and start working because many of the men had gone out to war. Through my skill assignments, I will show what women did and how the perspectives started to change. My first page will show an annotated image of two women working newly in the industry. The annotations will help explain the photo and why I am using it. Secondly, I used glitched image. The migrant women was the photo I glitched and explain the desperation that the women felt at this time. Thirdly, I used voyant. This skill helps me explain the perspective of women that were starting to work in New York for the first time. Lastly, I state my historical question again and give a summary of what my project was about.

Bender, Albert. 1936. "Jobs for girls & women if you want a good job in household employment apply at or write to Illinois State Employment Services." Still image. 1936.