Women in the industry

HIST 390 final image.jpg

For this page, I choose the skill annotated image. The reason I chose this skill is that when you are annotating a photo you are able to gauge the importance throughout the picture. By annotating it, your audience can learn about my topic through the image. This section of my project is about the perspective of women in the industry, which is exactly why I choose to annotate a picture of two young women working in a tool production for the first time. It is showcasing the skills that women have and back then this was a very rare occurrence. However, once men left for war, jobs started opening up and women were able to express themselves. For example, I included another image on this page. It is a poster titled "Train to be a nurse's aid". Becoming a nurse was huge at this time because there was such a need and women happened to be great at doing it.

Rosener, Ann. 1942. " Women in industry. Tool production. Pioneers of the production line." Still image. 1942. https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2017693384/

Federal Art Project. 1941. "Train to be a nurses aide Phone your boro Civilian Defense Volunteer Office." Still image. 1941. https://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/ds.07246/?co=wpapos